Help us to conceive a baby King
Help us to conceive a baby King
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go
Tene Archer is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
My name is Tene and my fiancés name is Marney. We are trying to start a family but have run into some obstacles. For many years I thought that I had one fallopian tube blocked as a result of an ectopic pregnancy. I recently found out that my tube is NOT blocked! Although very excited for the surprising news, I am left saddened that my fallopian tube is dilated and that alone is making it very difficult for me to conceive.
With my fallopian tube being dilated, it is not impossible for me to get pregnant, it is just extremely difficult and I will need some help. The procedure I am hoping to get is called an intrauterine insemination, IUI for short. An IUI will place sperm directly into my uterus and avoid needing the usage of my fallopian tubes.
Marney and I have big dreams of growing our family and hope that you can be apart of our journey. Your donation will help us to pay for the medication I will need to assist me with ovulation as well as the procedure itself. No donation amount is too small and is very much appreciated.
Please be apart of our baby story and help us to welcome a baby King to our family!
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Tene Archer is organizing this fundraiser.